AP 343

Working with Outside Agencies


The Abbotsford School District is committed to fostering effective partnerships between school staff, families, and the community. Some students will require services and supports provided by agencies in the community, and it is essential that these services be coordinated to ensure consensus regarding goals, consistency in interventions and an integrated approach to service delivery. Collaboration with outside individuals/agencies can result in a helpful dialogue about the student and their needs and can enhance the partnership between the home and school. These procedures have been established to ensure that work with outside individuals/agencies is done in the most complementary manner.


The following definitions will help to differentiate between the different outside agencies and services that may be requested.

  • Outside Agency – Any individual or organization that is not part of, or contracted by, the Abbotsford School District that provides a specific service or therapeutic program to students/families.
  • Private agency – Any individual or organization that is considered ‘for profit’ and is not working for one of our community partners. Typically, they are hired independently by the family.
  • Community partner – Government agencies, or those contracted by government agencies, that are considered ‘not for profit’ and with whom we have an ongoing partnership agreement. Examples include, but are not limited to, Child and Youth Mental Health, Fraser Valley Child Development Centre, Archway Community Services.
  • Direct Service – Providing individual service or therapy to a student.
  • Observation – Attending the school site to watch a student during school hours. Video and audio recordings are not permitted.


1. Request for school observations

1.1 Occasionally, there are requests for consultants/therapists from outside agencies to observe the student in the classroom setting. These requests will be considered on an individual basis by school administration and district LSS staff.
1.2 The following requirements must be observed:

  • Parent contacts the student’s case manager and principal to identify the consultant/service provider (name, position and agency represented) who they would like to observe their child in the classroom and to suggest a specific date and time. A minimum of one week notice should be given.
  • Principal will inform district Learning Support Services of the requested observation.
  • Approval of the visit will be determined collaboratively with the principal, classroom teacher and case manager. District Administrator – LSS will be informed of the decision about the observation.
  • Prior to the observation, the case manager and classroom teacher will work with the parent, consultant/service provider and Learning Support Services Helping Teacher to determine the specific goals of the observation to ensure the information from the observation will be used to enhance the student’s home or centre-based program.
  • The visiting consultant shall submit copies of the observation notes to the case manager.

1.3 To provide an understanding of the school and district context, visiting professionals from a private agency will be accompanied by an LSS Helping Teacher. This arrangement alleviates the need for the observer to produce a criminal record check. Visiting professionals from a community partner do not need to be accompanied by an LSS Helping Teacher.
1.4 The observation must not unduly disrupt or inconvenience the educational program of students.
1.5 Observations must in no way be evaluative of teachers, other staff, or other students in the classroom.
1.6 Strategies that will be used in the home program may be shared with the school team to support consistency in interventions and goals. However, it is the school-based and district-based personnel who have the professional responsibility to decide on the instructional/behavioural strategies most appropriate to the student/classroom context.
1.7 Upon request, parents may have access to data collection records tracking learning objectives that are shared between school and home programs. The sharing of this information will be facilitated directly with the parent by the case manager.

2. Request for direct service at school

2.1 Occasionally, there are requests for consultants/therapists from outside agencies to provide direct service to a student during the school day on the school campus. At no time may private agencies deliver direct service to students in the school setting.
2.2 Direct service by community partners may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Requests for direct service at school by a community partner should be directed to the District Administrator – LSS for approval.
2.3 Personnel from outside agencies are welcome to share and/or demonstrate effective strategies with the teacher and support staff, and to participate in the student’s care team and IEP meetings.

3. Request for internship/practicum placement

3.1 Requests for internship or practicum placements of individuals from an outside agency, as part of a professional program, shall be directed to the District Administrator – LSS.
3.2 The school district may be able to accommodate requests for those individuals who are supervised by a community partner but will not be able to accommodate requests for individuals who are supervised by a private agency.

4. Small group or whole class presentations

4.1 Any individual attending a school campus to present to a small group or whole class is subject to AP 301 – Access to Students.
4.2 Requests from outside agencies to work with a small group or whole class of students should be forwarded to the District Administrator – LSS for consultation prior to following the steps in AP 310 – Access to Students.

5. Care team and IEP meetings

5.1 Parents are welcomed and encouraged to invite outside agencies to attend care team and IEP meetings for their child.
5.2 School teams may suggest that parents invite outside agencies to attend care team and IEP meetings but cannot invite outside agencies without the parents’ knowledge and consent.
5.3 Some private agencies charge families for their time to attend meetings. This cost is the responsibility of the family.


BC Ministry of Education Special Education Services: A Manual of Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

(Last Revised: June 2023)
